Ball air pumps
Buy the best air pumps for balls in our online store
Buy the best air pumps for balls in our online store
Buy the best air pumps for balls in our online store
At Balonmano Pro Shop we don't want you to have that annoying feeling of practicing handball with deflated balls. Find your air pump for handball balls and take it to any training session or match and avoid surprises on the court.
Discover the air pumps for handballs of Balonmano Pro Shop
Discover the air pumps for handballs of Balonmano Pro Shop
Remember to always add an air pump to your training backpack and don't let a badly inflated ball ruin a day of handball.
What pressure should a handball have?
What pressure should a handball have?
The pressure of a handball ball must be between 0.4 and 0.6 kilograms per square centimeter (kg/cm²) or, which is equivalent, between 0.4 and 0.6 bars.