
What country do you ship to?

We ship worldwide. If the country you wish to ship to is not on the list, please write to us at info@padelproshop or call us at +34 603 27 11 93 and we will add it so you can complete your purchase.

What are the shipping costs?

You can check the shipping costs in the Transportation and payments section. Shipping costs will be lower the higher the value of the order. Shipping costs to Spain are free on orders over €60.

Can I change my shipping information after placing the order?

Yes, you can change your shipping information as long as the order has not yet been shipped. To make the change, write to changes@balonmanoproshop.com or call/WhatsApp at 603 27 11 93.

How can I find out what status my order is in?

To know the status of your order, access the "Order History" section from your account. Select the order and check its status (payment accepted, order shipped,...). Additionally, you will receive an email every time there is a change in the status of your order.

Can I cancel an order when it has already been shipped?

Once the order has been sent it is not possible to cancel it. Once you have received it, you can return it or refuse the package. In any case, we recommend that you contact our team as soon as possible. You can do it by phone call or WhatsApp at +34 603 27 11 93. or via email atcambios@balonmanoproshop.com.

How long will my order take to arrive?

Shipments to Spain (Peninsula only) are delivered within 24 hours or the next business day if the purchase is made before 1:30 p.m. Shipments to the Balearic Islands are delivered in 2 business days and to the Canary Islands within 3 to 5 business days.

Shipments to Europe are delivered within 2 to 3 days and shipments to the rest of the world take 2 to 5 business days.

Do I have to pay when I receive the order?

In Spain you will only have to pay if you have chosen the cash on delivery payment method. Outside of Spain, if your country is not in the European Economic Community, you may have to pay some tariff/tax by the government of your country. If your order is destined for the Canary Islands, you may also have to pay a tariff depending on the value of your purchase. If you have more questions about tariffs, write to us by WhatsApp at 603 27 11 93. .


For what reasons can I exchange or return an item?

You can make an exchange or return if you are not satisfied with your purchase or if you need to change the size. Before making the change, make sure that the product in question is not used and that it retains its original packaging and labels. To make a change or return we recommend that you contact cambios@balonmanoproshop.com.

How much does an exchange or return cost?

In the return process, the cost of the transport service is the responsibility of the client.

How do I make an exchange or return?

If you are not satisfied with your order, you have a period of 30 calendar days, from the date of delivery of the order, to make an exchange or return. The product must be in perfect condition, in its original packaging and completely new. We do not accept exchanges or returns of products that have been used. If you wish to make an exchange or return, write to us atcambios@balonmanoproshop.com.

How to prepare a package for its return?

The product you wish to return must be in perfect condition, in its original packaging and completely new. Make sure that the product is adequately protected so that it does not suffer damage or damage during transport. If the product you wish to return is in a box, please do not tape the box or stick the label directly on the box. We recommend that you put the product in its original box and wrap it in paper or a bag. If you do not do this, you will be damaging the original packaging of the box.

What happens if a product breaks or damages?

If during the first two months from your purchase there is any damage caused by a manufacturing defect, send us an email to cambios@balonmanoproshop.com with photos of the damage and we will request the brand to replace it.

How will I receive my refund?

You will receive the refund on the same card from which you made your purchase. If you purchased through PayPal, the refund will be made directly to your account. If you purchased by transfer or cash on delivery, please provide us with an account number so that we can make the corresponding deposit.

Making the purchase

How do I make an online purchase?

To make a purchase through our website you must add the products you want to the cart and go to the basket located in the upper right part of the website. Next, you have to fill in your information, shipping address and formalize the payment. If you have any questions or problems during the process, do not hesitate to contact us by email changes@balonmanoproshop.com or by writing via WhatsApp to 603 27 11 93. .

Is it safe to make an online purchase?

Buying online at HandballPROShop is totally safe. Through the security certificate, all your data is encrypted and private.

Do I need to register on HandballPROShop to make a purchase?

Yes, you need to be registered to obtain your name, address, email, and billing address. At HandballPROShop we will only ask you for essential data and the security measures required by current legislation will be adopted to guarantee its confidentiality.

How can I know if the order has been placed correctly?

Once you have made the payment, you will receive an email to the email you provided us confirming the purchase (if you don't see it, check your spam folder). If you are still not sure if you have completed the payment, write to us atcambios@balonmanoproshop.com or call us at 603 27 11 93. .

What should I do if the payment is wrong?

If an error occurs in the payment, we recommend that you try again, contact your bank or contact us, we will be happy to help you. If you are buying from Latin America and the card continues to give you an error message, we recommend that you try payment with PayPal.


How do I know my size?

If you have doubts about what your size will be, consult the Size Guide section that you can find in each product. Find your size by selecting the product brand and you will get the exact size guide. If you still have questions, contact us by email at info@balonmanoproshop.com, phone or WhatsApp at 603 27 11 93.

I don't know which shoes to buy, which one do you recommend?

We can recommend some models depending on your position, height, weight, foot shape and footprint. For this we have enabled a shoe guide that will help you choose the one that suits you best. If you still have questions, contact us at cambios@balonmanoproshop.com


How to place an order as a club?

To make a shipment on behalf of a club, send us an email to info@balonmanoproshop.com or call us at 603 27 11 93. .

What advantages do HandballPROShop clubs have?

Clubs affiliated with HandballPROShop obtain discounts for their club, discounts for their players and warm-up shirts and necessary equipment for the club.

Do you still have doubts?
